Smaller Firm Lawyers: Your Daily Routine Is Not Just Boring, It’s Costing You Money

Innovative law firms are taking command of their accounting and administrative processes, while leveraging the cloud for data insights in order to continually optimize and refine their operations—and the resultant efficiencies will allow more time for billable hours and client service, driving profits and sustainability for the business. It’s tech-savvy firms that are posed to succeed in the digital era.
Sponsored by our friends at PwC, our new white paper, Smaller Firm Lawyers: Your Daily Routine Is Not Just Boring, It’s Costing You Money is designed to help small firms understand not only how to best utilize a technology tool kit, but why doing so is crucially important.
The paper explores the following topics, among many others:
- Embracing cloud technology
- Building the right tech toolkit
- Identifying the relevant KPIs
- Extracting actionable insight from data
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