The 2nd Annual Legal Industry Report by LawPay & MyCase
How Cutting-Edge Firms Are Succeeding Amid Pandemic Fallout


Legal professionals now accept that practicing law remotely is not only possible but can even be beneficial. 

This new outlook has resulted in continued investment by law firms in cloud-based technology, both because the workforce demands it and because doing so ensures business resiliency in the long term. 

In their second annual legal industry report, our friends at MyCase and LawPay surveyed over 2,300 legal professionals during August and September 2022. 

They particularly wanted to look into the pandemic’s long-term effects on law firms, how law firm revenues changed throughout the year, and the criteria behind the foundational technology choices made by legal professionals.

Now, we’re pleased to share their findings. 

Download this report below to explore: 

  • The pandemic’s effect on legal technology adoption and law firm revenue
  • Attitudes about legal technology consolidation and its perceived impact on the profession
  • The software and integrations law firms rely on for crucial functionality
  • The features legal professionals desire in their firm’s primary operating software
  • The impact of these software tools on firm efficiency, flexibility, and resiliency

Fill out the form to receive your free copy today!                                                
